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It does depend on how often you use your hoist and the purpose of which you use your hoist. Servicing every 12 months is highly recommended however we do have customers who opt for servicing every 6 months. Every 10 years, a mandatory service must take place.

After servicing your will receive a report on each hoist which has been serviced. You will be able to see what has been checked during the service and any repairs which need to be made will be outlined on the report.

Although it is no longer a requirement to register vehicle hoists, if they are not used or maintained correctly they can cause serious harm. In accordance with AS 2550.9 Cranes – Safe Use, Part 9: Vehicle Hoists, vehicle hoists must be inspected regularly. Inspections should be carried out at 4 different levels:

  1. Pre Operation Inspection – before use at the commencement of each day hoists should be given a visual and functional test. Any safety related problems should be rectified before further use of the hoist
  2. Routine inspection and maintenance – Routine inspections and maintenance should be carried out in accordance with the program of standards.
  3. Annual inspections – these inspections should include any concerns identified during the routine inspection and maintenance and will also include:
    • detailed inspection of all structural and wear components
    • the checking of tolerances for wear limits
    • checks for corrosion
    • non-destructive inspection of critical areas for evidence of cracking
  4. Major inspection for the assessment of suitability for continued safe use – The purpose of this inspection is to assess the suitability of the hoist for continued safe operation.

Please refer to the full set of standards AS 2550.9 Cranes – Safe Use, Part 9: Vehicle Hoists for further information.

We do stock a limited supply of spare parts however if we have identified you require a spare part which we do not have, we will source it for you. We will use genuine spare parts where possible.

While we are competent to install your hoist, in Queensland a qualified electrician is required to complete any electrical work undertaken.

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